When Ángel joined the digital competence centers in Castilla y León, he had come from a different sector to ICT and from the very beginning, he faced the challenge of being responsible for "Educational Robotics" as a tool for Social Innovation.

Initiatives he has developed:

  • Educational Robotics for disability: Specially designed for people with intellectual disabilities with the aim of bringing digital skills to this group, improving aspects such as communication, teamwork, physical and fine psychomotor skills, spatial vision and self-esteem.
  • STEM for kids: He has shaped and promoted activities aimed at primary and secondary students, to stimulate interest in fields related to programming, technology and science.
  • Health and mobile devices for users over 60 years: a social innovation initiative that involves collaborators of the health sector with the aim of bringing ICT to this group, acquiring confidence and providing applications that improve their health and quality of life.


Angel is a lively person, working with passion in the projects he is involved. He uses design thinking in his projects, applying fundamental skills such as listening, empathy and collaboration. He designs projects trying to solve social problem through Social Innovation techniques.

He collaborates with:

  • Association “La Casa Grande de Martiherrero”, an institution serving people with intellectually disabilities and their families;
  • Schools and high schools at the beginning of each school year to promote the activities of STEM for kids;
  • Staff from the Primary Health Care Centre closest to his centre;
  • National Police School, based on Avila, to promote cybersecurity sessions;
  • Young entrepreneurs of the city to show their ICT business project in living labs.


Indicators (2016-2018):

  • About 1,600 kids trained in programming and robotics, with a high percentage of girls, stimulating their interest in fields related to technology and science.
  • Over 100 people with intellectual disabilities trained in Educational Robotics.
  • He has made technology accessible and practical for a great number of elderly people in their daily lives, from health centres and day-care centres in the area, favouring active aging and an improving their quality of life.