The resource consists of 40 digital stories made by youngsters between the age of 15 and 20 who live in vulnerable neighbourhoods in Brussels during lockdown. The digital stories were made during an online training to become a multimedia animator. The youngsters learned to express their feelings to one another in an online storycircle, made virtual tours with pictures to get to know each other, gave feedback on each others stories. The youngsters wrote their own voice over and edited their stories using low threshold editing software which they learned to use on the training with tutorials provided by Maks. The youngsters were able to express their difficulties during the lockdown: having to take care of their brothers and sisters with an increase in the amount of homework, having to live on limited space with their family, having limited access to nature.


A press release caught the attention of journalists and some of the youngsters were able to express their voice on a larger scale. 40 youngsters got to expres themselves. The digital stories were shown in an online event on social media were participants were able to experience the difficulties these youngster face every day during lockdown. The flemish minister of youth and culture quoted:A lot of young people are having a particularly hard time now that a lot of things are not possible for a while. It is very important that we listen to their voices and stories. We talk too much about young people, and too little with young people. This initiative is very important," said Benjamin Dalle, who also made a short film about his experience of the lockdown. Another quote from Bea Coppens, a spectator: Very inspiring! Thank you for sharing this and good luck to all! What stays with me is your strength to deal with new circumstances. A difficult task with many challenges. Well done!


For the stories to reach an audience abroad they should be subtitled in english. The digital stories are now in French and Dutch. People within the organisation of Maks could translate these resources. The only thing this would cost is time and effort. Organizing an online digital story workshop for youngsters in english is also within the expertise of Maks. The timing of this workshop was rather unique. Using digital storytelling to express and face vulnerability will always be necessary and a priority. To enable the youngsters to make the digital stories we helped some of them by borrowing them a computer. The ICT infrastructure to do so, as providing an internet connection true lobbying are requirements. The tutorials on using low threshold editing software can be shared as of know and can be provided in english.